Ilya, right, third-place winner,
and the other winners
of the 2005 village "marathon"
of 2.5 km (1.5 miles)
Ilya wishes you a sparkling
2002 from sparkling blue water
Willemien somewhere in Greece
or Italy
Christian and his boat
Christian and his sons José
and Ilya on the water
Ilya and the dog on the boat
Beautiful group shot somewhere!
Williemien and Ilya at Henk
& Ina's house in December 1999
When Ilya was little he visited
us at our old house in Valhalla, New York:
Willemien, Liese, Ilya and
Christiaan in Valhalla
Liese and Ilya
Tim & Ilya
Liese & Ilya outside
more hug