Dick Pigott's Family Photos
My mother Elizabeth McKee Pigott

My oldest brother Ed in his naval uniform.
Taken in between tours in Jersey City 
1952 or 1953
Ed served on the USS Wisconsin during the Korean War.
My other older brother George, putting in Navy service
at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, 1950s
George and Kaiser
Back of this says "Improving the mind" (the book is called "The Psychology of Sex"), May 1956

Reception after Ed and Vivian's wedding
(Bob Jablonski on far left)
August 31, 1958

George, Joe, Deborah, Vivian, Dick, Annemarie
photo credit: Ed

outside 326 Mortimer Avenue
Rutherford, New Jersey

looking southeast across the street toward the English family house
(their family name, not their nationality)

Easter Sunday
April 17, 1960

Uncle George and all his nieces and nephews
Front: Joseph, Matthew, Suzanne, Judy, Danny
Back: Beth, Deb, Colleen
(before Amy was born!)
Wayne, New Jersey, 1968

Ed (holding Judy),
George, Beth, Deb, Dan
Jersey shore, Summer 1968

back row: Maureen, Joe, Deborah, Annemarie
front row: Colleen, Joseph, Dick
Bridgewater, New Jersey
early 80s

My daughter Amy holding my first grandchild,
Elizabeth Anne, born February 16, 2001
in South Bend, Indiana
For more pictures of little Betsy, click here!

Many thanks to Aunt Annie for background info on the old photos!

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